Swapan Mukherjee |
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: 34 K. Dubash Marg, Kala Ghoda,
Mumbai – 400 023.
Landmark: Close to Prince of
Wales Museum, Opposite Jehangir Art Gallery, Within walking distance from Westside
Shopping hours: Monday-Saturday, 10.30am –
Telephone: +91-22-2285 1243
Email: orders@chetana.com
Contact Person: Manager,
Chetana Book Centre |
Book Centre, a division of Chetana Pvt. Ltd., is
committed to providing a service-driven, stress-free approach
to satisfying earnest booklovers. It stocks carefully
selected books on Philosophy, Religion, Arts, Culture, and
Indian Thought for grownups and for growing minds, as well as
books on Health, Well-being and Alternative Medicine; and is
a book lover's delight.
The Centre was established in 1946 and soon became
a reputed landmark in at the heart of Mumbai’s business
and art district of Fort & Kala Ghoda. The Centre carries more
than 3000 judicially chosen titles and
is acclaimed as a unique place to browse through best selling
as well as rare books.
Mission : To provide a one-stop place where
the search of seakers and researchers for finest books in
sepecialised categories would end.